On the Roof # 20

Pearl: North Keswick Press has a great location
Klaus: Definitely, and a leopard on guard
Pearl: Indeed
Klaus: Albeit a lazy one
Pearl: A flighty leopard too
Pearl: Snoozes while avatars loot the place
Klaus: Stealing all our ink and paper and frightening the spiders
Pearl: Teasing the Clean-o-mat
Klaus: I have this weird thing whenever I am standing next to the sink in my kitchen in RL
Klaus: I get a flash in my mind of that paper mill we have visited a few times in Caledon
Pearl: Trilby’s
Klaus: Yes it just sneaks in every single time I am standing there running the tap
Klaus: Maybe it’s the running water or something
Pearl: Something like that happens to me in reverse, locations inworld connect me with a moment in RL
Klaus: Whenever I am chopping garlic I replay the same conversation I had with someone 30 years ago and it’s random
Pearl: Those connections
Pearl: That’s why I’m particular about my things…so many have whole dimensions attached to them
Klaus: Yes, that makes so much sense
Pearl: Touching or looking at them is like a doorway to a portal
Klaus: And I guess the doorways are subtly increasing in number all the time
Pearl: Some are fading away…the things that don’t matter
Pearl: Or no longer resonate, like real life “old websites”
Klaus: There’s an interesting bit in the book I’ve been reading about embodied knowledge that describes the theory of our spaces being an extension of our brains
Pearl: Some decluttering books touch on that, and how working with the spaces can help heal our brains
Klaus: I have learned to use visual organising to work with it as much as possible
Klaus: Oh yes
Pearl: It’s territory that humans haven’t always consciously accessed
Klaus: I think it’s why I have found diaries and calendars and to-dos – specially if they are digital – don’t work very well for me
Pearl: Same for me
Klaus: It needs to be something more tangible
Pearl: Instead of being a lost sand grain on the digital beach
Klaus: hehe exactly
Klaus: I’ll tie a sock around a door handle if there’s something I need to remember when I leave the house
Pearl: I was intrigued by the ideas put forth by the man talking about NLP and spaces. Maybe he was saying something different and my imagination was working overtime about the possibilities.
Pearl: Oh, that works?
Klaus: Oh well I’m sure that’s valid
Klaus: Yes as long as I can then remember what it’s supposed to remind me of hehe
Klaus: Yeah I leave visual prompts for myself all the time
Klaus: I know a bit about NLP but I never heard about the spaces thing
Pearl: I find it helps me get things done when I don’t want to do them….to visualize them a few times and let them go so it isn’t a heavy thing I carry around
Pearl: The little I know of NLP seems mostly to be about word usage.
Klaus: Right
Pearl: This came about in the context of the subject of Feldenkrais
Klaus: I notice the difference in my mood whether I look upwards at or downwards when I am walking – that’s an NLP thing
Pearl: Movement and space
Klaus: It makes sense there would be an overlap
Pearl: Oh yes, makes me wonder about all the folks looking down at their phones
Klaus: Yes
Pearl: Heads bowed in submission
Klaus: When there’s a whole sky up there that they seldom see
Klaus: Skies have always been really important to me – the more sky I can see the happier I feel
Klaus: Which is why I like flat land
Klaus: Or mountain tops
Pearl: When my human lived near the Rocky Mountains, it was good to be actually in them, but being on the plains next to them. it felt like such a barrier.
Pearl: I was often feeling like I needed to get past them.
Klaus: Having the horizon compromised
Pearl: Although their ancient existence when 9-11 happened was comforting
Pearl: Indeed
Klaus: Oh I bet – yeah
[Editing this a day later, I notice the software prevents me from easily spacing the images and text the way I wish.]
dialogue ~ edited chat log 9 – 22 – 22
photos ~ snapped at Grauland several years ago in Second Life, created by a shop brand several years ago, neglected to be labeled at the time. altered in Fotosketcher software