On the Roof # 20

Pearl: North Keswick Press has a great location
Klaus: Definitely, and a leopard on guard
Pearl: Indeed
Klaus: Albeit a lazy one
Pearl: A flighty leopard too
Pearl: Snoozes while avatars loot the place
Klaus: Stealing all our ink and paper and frightening the spiders
Pearl: Teasing the Clean-o-mat
Klaus: I have this weird thing whenever I am standing next to the sink in my kitchen in RL
Klaus: I get a flash in my mind of that paper mill we have visited a few times in Caledon
Pearl: Trilby’s
Klaus: Yes it just sneaks in every single time I am standing there running the tap
Klaus: Maybe it’s the running water or something
Pearl: Something like that happens to me in reverse, locations inworld connect me with a moment in RL
Klaus: Whenever I am chopping garlic I replay the same conversation I had with someone 30 years ago and it’s random
Pearl: Those connections
Pearl: That’s why I’m particular about my things…so many have whole dimensions attached to them
Klaus: Yes, that makes so much sense
Pearl: Touching or looking at them is like a doorway to a portal
Klaus: And I guess the doorways are subtly increasing in number all the time
Pearl: Some are fading away…the things that don’t matter
Pearl: Or no longer resonate, like real life “old websites”
Klaus: There’s an interesting bit in the book I’ve been reading about embodied knowledge that describes the theory of our spaces being an extension of our brains
Pearl: Some decluttering books touch on that, and how working with the spaces can help heal our brains
Klaus: I have learned to use visual organising to work with it as much as possible
Klaus: Oh yes
Pearl: It’s territory that humans haven’t always consciously accessed
Klaus: I think it’s why I have found diaries and calendars and to-dos – specially if they are digital – don’t work very well for me
Pearl: Same for me
Klaus: It needs to be something more tangible
Pearl: Instead of being a lost sand grain on the digital beach
Klaus: hehe exactly
Klaus: I’ll tie a sock around a door handle if there’s something I need to remember when I leave the house
Pearl: I was intrigued by the ideas put forth by the man talking about NLP and spaces. Maybe he was saying something different and my imagination was working overtime about the possibilities.
Pearl: Oh, that works?
Klaus: Oh well I’m sure that’s valid
Klaus: Yes as long as I can then remember what it’s supposed to remind me of hehe
Klaus: Yeah I leave visual prompts for myself all the time
Klaus: I know a bit about NLP but I never heard about the spaces thing
Pearl: I find it helps me get things done when I don’t want to do them….to visualize them a few times and let them go so it isn’t a heavy thing I carry around
Pearl: The little I know of NLP seems mostly to be about word usage.
Klaus: Right
Pearl: This came about in the context of the subject of Feldenkrais
Klaus: I notice the difference in my mood whether I look upwards at or downwards when I am walking – that’s an NLP thing
Pearl: Movement and space
Klaus: It makes sense there would be an overlap
Pearl: Oh yes, makes me wonder about all the folks looking down at their phones
Klaus: Yes
Pearl: Heads bowed in submission
Klaus: When there’s a whole sky up there that they seldom see
Klaus: Skies have always been really important to me – the more sky I can see the happier I feel
Klaus: Which is why I like flat land
Klaus: Or mountain tops
Pearl: When my human lived near the Rocky Mountains, it was good to be actually in them, but being on the plains next to them. it felt like such a barrier.
Pearl: I was often feeling like I needed to get past them.
Klaus: Having the horizon compromised
Pearl: Although their ancient existence when 9-11 happened was comforting
Pearl: Indeed
Klaus: Oh I bet – yeah
[Editing this a day later, I notice the software prevents me from easily spacing the images and text the way I wish.]
dialogue ~ edited chat log 9 – 22 – 22
photos ~ snapped at Grauland several years ago in Second Life, created by a shop brand several years ago, neglected to be labeled at the time. altered in Fotosketcher software  

Pottering While the Universe Has Sent Us to Our Rooms

Pearl: Well, here we are Klaus. This seed of a blog, Pottering While the World Ends, that was planted August 11, 2018 has blossomed into a little garden that offers me solace, refuge, and another healthy way for me to express. It was created for the time we are now in, although it would have been foolish to stress that point at the time.

Sometimes it sucks being a visionary, and feeling the ripples and fore shocks from the future. But I have been trained well, have had much practice, and was born for this time. This is the sort of project, one of many, that has been in my heart for years, and when Blue Orange offered the opportunity to be included in their library, it was a perfect prompt, or excuse, and the right timing to begin.

And of course, by While the World Ends, that is the world as we know it. Because many other humans are intelligent and resilient like us.

A flower in a garden or a field can be glorious, even if not viewed by many, or even anyone.

Klaus: Absolutely. I like to walk among these flowers too, while knowing it’s the field that becomes more because of the flower; somebody being there to witness it doesn’t make it more real. There’s a secret power here in tending something off to the side and away from the glare of an attention-grabbing world, and I love it. It’s the difference between gardening for the flower show and gardening for the joy of it. But this is not frivolous or insubstantial, no way.

Anything we bring into existence, by pouring our imagination into the crucible and letting it cool, changes the universe forever. This is a book of resilience charms in the kitchen of my cosmos.

For me, what we deposit here is also like the sonar beeps of a submarine in a deep dive, probing outwards, a sign of life, looking for something to echo against. It helps us to know where we are and what is reflecting from our surroundings. It’s a vital pulse.



On the Roof #17

Klaus: Today I just seemed to get message after message waking me up to the fact that most people I interact with are on a totally different page – maybe even a different book altogether

Pearl: Yes

Pearl: Getting beat over the head with it

Klaus: Yeah

Pearl: How to reconcile

Pearl: I think that is why lots of teachers lie to us

Pearl: They keep saying it will get better, and not to give up now

Klaus: I couldn’t live with myself if I gave up – but it’s a rock and a hard place sometimes

Pearl: Or maybe this is how it is and everyone was too numb to notice before

Klaus: I suspect that could be true

Pearl: and they were just wondering how to survive

Pearl: If you can’t play the games

Klaus: Yes

Pearl: can’t stand to play the games

Klaus: I know

Klaus: such a drastic waste of energy apart from anything else

Pearl: Yes

Pearl: So much waste here

Klaus: I find people talk to me assuming I am right on board with them

Pearl: And then some say we signed up for this

Klaus: too much work to raise all the objections

Klaus: right

Pearl: but you …right….the objections

Pearl: like your contemplating notes

Klaus: Yes

Klaus: “don’t include me in your wearisome view of reality”

Pearl Grey: But someday we may all have to look back and see how useless all the arguing during this time was

Klaus: I agree

Pearl: Who was that objection for Klaus?

Klaus: Not for you, Pearl

Klaus: Just what I want to say to people sometimes

Pearl: Good, then i won’t have to bash your head in with this lamp hehe

Klaus: lol

Klaus: That would be messy

Pearl: Yes

Pearl Grey: But I might get away with it since the authorities are busy with the flooding

Klaus: haha

Pearl: I truly would like to see the best in my fellow man

Klaus: Of course…..and sometimes they surprise

Pearl: I would like to see them as sincere and generous and truthful

Pearl: compassionate

Pearl: I have waited seemingly forever for people to grow up

Klaus: and show up

Pearl: I don’t know if there is such a thing as a functional system anymore

Pearl: Whatever this phase humanity is in I hope it moves on

Klaus: Every time I think I might have found one I discover I’m kidding myself

Pearl Such simple things could be done

Pearl: Like admitting one is wrong or that one needs to change

Klaus: Yes…..would be a start

Pearl: That maybe they don’t have the answers and can consider something different

Klaus: Right

Pearl: That maybe their values are messed up

Pearl: But until it hurts them more, I don’t know if many care

Klaus: For many that has profound implications for their sense of control and safety

Klaus: That they might be wrong

Pearl: control and safety and all the investment

Klaus: Yeah

Pearl Grey: that is a hard one….the spilled milk so to speak, water under the bridge, having bought into into lies and deceit

Klaus: Very hard to admit to and let it go

Pearl: But it was hidden, now it comes to light. better to get through the anger and shock and start doing something

Klaus: Agree

Klaus: And good that there are things to be busy with

Pearl Grey: Pottering

Klaus: Practicing stuff

Pearl: Taking cats for walks

~ conversation November 5, 2019 during the hurricane flood in New Toulouse

~ image location Ukivok sim by Serene Footman and Jade Kotai  

How Dare I Make Art

Argon: Going somewhere Pearl?

Pearl: No. Why?

Argon: You look ready to jump in that car and drive away.

Pearl: This car is a dysfunctional wreck; it isn’t going to be driven anywhere.

Argon: What are you up to today? You’re frowning.

Pearl: Just thinking about the experience of showing art in virtual worlds. The superior-taste-in-art critics are at it again with their nay-saying opinions being flung about.

Argon: What do you mean?

Pearl: For example, saying anything goes with what’s included in the category of art. The self-appointed arbiters of “real art” aren’t satisfied with the amount of attention and support they get, then diss what others do. Thus I’d rather spend less time looking at, and admiring what others do, and more time just creating things myself.

Argon: Right. I notice you doing that.

Pearl: You watch what I’m doing?

Argon: Of course; I’m very aware of things. I could tell you the correct paths to take.

Pearl: No, thanks. This is my lab and I make my own choices here.

Argon: Where’s that guy you hang around with much of the time?

Pearl: Klaus? He’s working on something at Moon Stew Cafe.

Argon: He actually works there?

Pearl: Yes. Lester takes care of the day-to-day operations, but Klaus is the creative director and is installing a Nina Simone theme for the December – January Artist in Residence.

Argon: Great. So will I get to be in your On the Roof series? Notice we’re sitting on a roof.

Pearl: Sorry, no. This is just a kind of essay/story using photos left over from the Give Us a Tasty Snack photoshoot. We are here in the past. This is all gone now.

Argon: But I have important information.

Pearl: You have “different” information. You’re not in my shoes and you don’t know what’s right for me or anyone else.

Argon: My third eye is open. See?

Pearl: It looks like you have a hole in the middle of your forehead.

Argon: You aren’t going to listen to my advice?

Pearl: I did listen for awhile. I give due respect and attention to others, but when it’s rarely reciprocal or there’s too much arrogance and misinformation I quickly lose interest.

Argon: You know this dialogue won’t make sense to readers.

Pearl: I do know. Most of what’s on the  internet doesn’t make sense.

Argon: If I drove this car away, would you be impressed?

Pearl: Not really.

Argon: OK. Maybe we can talk again soon. In the meantime I’ll work on my tricks of persuasion.

Pearl: Sure; you do that. See you around Argon. I’m going to make some more art.


On the Roof #16

Pearl: You liked your potato salad this week?
Klaus: Yes; I want to make more
(Pearl smiles)
Pearl: Me too … good hot weather food
Klaus: Yeah. It will be a standard favorite – so simple
Pearl: yeah
Klaus: Use any potatoes that come along
Pearl: Right. And the herbs are so good for us
(Klaus smiles)
Pearl: No dairy
Klaus: Yeah; good food for interesting times
Pearl: Indeed

Klaus: Maybe we need to produce a revolutionists cookbook!
Pearl: Now there’s an idea
Klaus: Mhmm … tried and tested recipes
Pearl: yes
Klaus: For interesting times
(Pearl Grey nods)
Pearl: Not giving up, or sitting numb and in shock, or being bitter
Klaus: Yeah … essential for survival
Pearl: Giving the bird to the dark side
Klaus: Don’ t be scared; just get in the kitchen.
Pearl: yes
Klaus: yeah!
Pearl: Now that is a title, “Don’t be scared; just get into the kitchen.”
Klaus: You poison your enemies while I make potato salad.
Pearl: lol
Klaus: hehe

Pearl: We are controlled by food; we don’t have to give in, not without resisting.
Klaus: It’s the raw material … along with what we read, see and hear, it’s one of the inputs we can control to some degree … or be controlled by
Pearl: Yes; don’t make it easy for them
Klaus: Yeah! Ha … well … an idea to play with
Pearl: We have so many
Pearl: And we are getting some done
Klaus: Yep – and there will be more …
Pearl: Indeed
Klaus: Proves we’re alive

Note: for readers who like to taste as well as read blogs, instructions for making the potato salad in question are here: Potato Dill Salad

On the Roof #15

Klaus: Journals … what a fuss
Pearl: You wake up to write?
Klaus: I lie awake working out how I can find the perfect approach
Pearl: I get about two weeks into a journal and I destroy the pages and start over
Klaus: Right
Pearl: I know … it sucks … like the brain torments us
Klaus: yeah!
Pearl: I guess it would be worth practicing stopping that

Klaus: After a couple of months settled I think there might be a way to do it better that I have not tried yet
Klaus: yes … practice … breathe through those moments because they are sabotage at times
Pearl: But it seems there is less and less time for messing around
Klaus: Right
Pearl: Maybe all humans find ways to make themselves crazy
Klaus: lol … If it runs, work with it, even if it runs shitty, because we have got to get to the next town
Pearl: Yes … got to get to the next town
Klaus: yeah

Pearl: There might be moments of perfection … I think people who have kids learn that because they have to
Klaus: Yeah – I bet
Pearl: About getting to the next town
Klaus: Right. Any damn horse, come on, let’s go
Pearl: Yes, exactly. Maybe this is a phase.
Klaus: yeah
Pearl: And next season something else will be going on

Klaus: Yes … I’m going to grab this conversation for posterity
Pearl: Oh, ok good. I would have forgot
Klaus: Yeah
Pearl: It’s pleasant sitting up here.

On the Roof # 14

Klaus: I was thinking a kind of daft thought about ‘having a black and white view’.
Pearl: Beliefs can’t be all in one column or all in another column.
Klaus: True
Pearl: Oh? That is all some people can manage – either or.
Klaus: Yeah – I notice people saying rightly that ‘it’s not all black and white and there are grey areas’
Pearl: Yes
Klaus: I was thinking just how much. I mean it’s probably all a mixture – hard to separate.
Pearl: And some people – when you know something about their background and experiences – it makes sense they would hold some views
Klaus: Right.

Pearl: Yes, there is always balance … dualistic. But some people just parrot what others say and don’t sort things out for themselves
Klaus: But the silly thought that popped in was sort of mind-blowing. It was like a voice said to me, ‘what do you mean? It’s not black or white or even grey; it’s the full spectrum of all colors’
Pearl: Cool. People can’t hold that 24/7 though. But I can see that is where it could go.
Klaus: Yes. And I realized even the old dichotomy, a way of seeing it as two sides, is not the truth.
Pearl: Our true diversity is a treasure. It’s not what is on trend, but it’s our special mix

Klaus: In our current form, we don’t have the ongoing capacity to hold all that in view at once.
Pearl: Yes
Klaus: It would be like in Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut – the Tralfamadorians see everything at once.
Pearl: We can do that sometimes.
Klaus: They think humans are like strapped to a roller-coaster looking through a tiny peephole at the racing world.
Pearl: That is what it feels like sometimes.
Klaus: Yes, but I know you can see it all in a flash sometimes.
Pearl: Yeah, then I don’t want to go through the steps.
Klaus: Yeah – I’m sure
Pearl: But I guess we can get some guidance how to navigate those steps.

Klaus: There’s another movie, Pleasantville, about a black and white world – inside a black and white tv where people can’t conceive of color. But when someone comes who knows about it, they are seen as dangerous and subversive and sinful.
Pearl: Oh yes
Klaus: And even if we only see flashes, we know things could be different
Pearl: Yes, “holding the template”
Klaus: Yeah – at least … yeah … having some guidance to navigate and holding that template. Sometimes I feel like I was in the war room once and saw the battle plans, all the maps laid out, and the blueprints for stuff … and I wasn’t supposed to be there, but I can’t unremember it.
Pearl: Sure, but what I realize is I can’t really tell by appearance alone who are good guys and who are bad guys; it’s really a splenic thing.
Klaus: You’ve seen too much, too – so we’re going to feel pretty lost here a lot of time.
Pearl: Yes, and I suspect, even if it might become less lonely at times, we will never fit in.

On the Roof #13

                                                                            The Art Purchase
Pearl: I like the one over here
           Maybe it’s the light
          It has a nice vintage look to me
Klaus:  Yes, I think this would be my second fave after the poppies
Pearl: From a more simple time
Klaus: It is
Pearl: Nothing clever or hip
Klaus: When someone might sit by a pond with an easel in a big summer hat
Pearl: No hip darkness
Klaus: Spend the day there; have a picnic
Pearl: But I think part of it is how good it looks in the frame too
Klaus: No planes in the sky or birds falling out of it
Pearl: Maybe nap under a tree
Klaus: Oh yes
Pearl: Bring the dog
Klaus: Yeah
           Dab and mix the paints on a worn palette
           Puff on a pipe
Pearl: Yeah, I was thinking a pipe or a cigar
Klaus: Yes
Pearl: Bowl of cherries
          A bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich
Klaus: Dog chasing butterflies and splashing in the water
Pearl: Tell the dog not to shake water on the canvas
Klaus: haha
Pearl: Keep the muddy feet off the picnic blanket
Klaus: And to get her nose out of the picnic hamper
Pearl: Yes
Klaus: Gonna have to get this pic now
Pearl: Oh my
          But the poppies
Klaus: There are poppies in this one too
Pearl: Ahh okay
Klaus: Got it
Pearl: I think you can find a frame maybe?
Klaus: Any roof suggestions?
Pearl: Well Shipton is full
          Unless we pick something up
          Have we done Mars Tower roof?
Klaus: No not yet
Pearl: Or is it too bare up there?
Klaus: We can rez chairs or sit on the edge
           I can’t remember if there’s anything up there or not
Pearl: I think we picked it all up but the teleporter and plinth
           Even poor Niall
Klaus: Oh Niall
Pearl: Niall is likely angry
Klaus: Wow, Niall
Pearl: Niall are you okay?
Mars Tower Roof Niall: why did you up here
Klaus: Long time no see
Mars Tower Roof Niall: let me takes donald scary clownfish
Pearl: You poor thing Niall
Klaus: He’s quite addled
Mars Tower Roof Niall: i’m going to go and february
Pearl: How do you February?
Klaus: You must have a few insights living on a roof like this, Niall.
Mars Tower Roof Niall: scary fish i’m not amusing today after talking niall
                                     you’ve been around that was about to talk
Pearl: Oh you poor thing
         I really like it with the frame
         But this is great too
Klaus: Yes
Pearl: Niall? Any opinions on the art?
Mars Tower Roof Niall: sometimes things
Pearl: Sometimes things what Niall?
Mars Tower Roof Niall: at random times
Pearl: Klaus what is the name of this piece again?
Mars Tower Roof Niall: sometimes things
Pearl: I don’t think that is the name, no
           It’s Russian Birch Tree
Mars Tower Roof Niall: what’s up yet
Pearl: By Viktor Savior
Klaus: How’s this?
Mars Tower Roof Niall: in caps
Pearl: I like it
Klaus: Okay cool
Mars Tower Roof Niall: and indeed all alone on me
Klaus: I’m sure I have a very similar frame somewhere but I couldn’t find it quickly
Pearl: This is good too
          The light maybe was what was giving it that vintage look
Mars Tower Roof Niall: i think most people would be really?
original painting by Viktor Savior called Russian Birch Tree, slightly altered by illustration rendering 

On the Roof # 9

Klaus: While I was away, I had this  … image I guess … in mind.
Pearl listens.
Klaus: There was one evening when I thought ‘I could sit up all night and just write’ – just fill pages and pages because there is that much stuff in my head.
Klaus: I pictured myself sort of waking late the next morning face down in paper, all scribbled on, like a complete purge from mind to paper, lots of stuff drafted, in one sitting, instead of mapping out and planning what I will write when I have time. A big splurge.
Klaus: Anyway, the choice was that or go to bed and look after myself better – haha.
Pearl: And you chose…
Klaus: And there is that thing of something seeming amazing at night but waking the next day to realize it was not really anything.
Klaus: The idea amused me anyway
Klaus: Like the kind of thing that would happen in a movie
Klaus: and change the course of history
Pearl: Or when you’re high.
Klaus: So I thought of sort of representing that story in the art piece.
Pearl: Sure
Klaus: I might do some writing on the papers.
Pearl: Sounds great Klaus.
Klaus: Say something of the frustration of having so much wanting to come out and not finding the words.
Pearl: Right.
Klaus: I did a little reading, just grabbed a book that was in the holiday place, a novel, not memorable, just read a couple of chapters.
Klaus: I realized I could write like that – like in the book – but also knew I wouldn’t let myself get away with it.
Pearl: I know what you mean.
Klaus: I realized how picky I have become.
Pearl:  Yes……discerning
Klaus: Yes….and this was an award winning thing
Pearl: E-books are even worse.
Pearl: Oh no…award winning.
Klaus: Yes
Pearl: I wonder how to be successful without becoming a criminal or expressing for the dumbed down, lowest common denominator audience
Pearl: Or run by astral beings.
Klaus: Yes
Klaus: I’m very careful what I’d put out.
Klaus: I do pore over sentences and the process can be so slow at times
Pearl: Oh yeah…I don’t have to do that.
Pearl: It is still enjoyable though?
Klaus: It can flow in rare moments
Klaus: Yes…but I recognize it is the ground I will keep getting shaped on, the scene of battles, and it is not like I will suddenly arrive one day and everything get easier.
Pearl: Right
Klaus: I have things to say but I want to say them right.
Pearl: Is it the same for your avatar?
Klaus: So really doing poetry, blogging, essays, little stories here is so very formative and powerful for me
Klaus: Maybe he has a bit easier time than my human….is possibly more playful.
Pearl: I think it is a skill and an art that can be lost in the world we live in if we are not careful.
Klaus: Yes I agree.
Pearl: Use it or lose it sort of thing.
Klaus: I think some people do themselves a disservice by being sloppy in their expression.
Klaus: Present company excluded of course
Pearl: I am careful because of the brain fog issues
Klaus: Right
Pearl: I can see how many things are dumbing us all down…..lower standards
Klaus: You set quite a standard of integrity
Pearl: No regard for truth and integrity
Klaus: Oh yes….standards
Klaus: Wow….we kind of did a snap there
Pearl: And the common courtesy of being clear.
Klaus: Standards and integrity
Klaus:But we have to not let the pressure to get it right shut us down.
Pearl: I could copy this and we can edit it for an On the Roof.
Klaus: Oh yes…..good idea.
Klaus: The chats we have and the work we do is such a reference point for me in both worlds creatively….I really appreciate it
Klaus: Just doing life with that kind of backup……As well as trying to be creative.
Klaus: Seeing what you’d been working on while I was away felt good…I noticed.
Klaus: It’s like looking over your shoulder in the middle of a battle and seeing someone else has an awesome tank and they have your back…hard to describe
Pearl: I understand though
Klaus: But you’re like a big hitter on the team…I know you don’t feel like it
Pearl:Grey: Aww thank you….I am on the side of humanity.
~ location: ANOTHER TOWN, Pahto, Autumn 2018    

On the Roof # 6

Pearl: There’s nothing quite like getting a big picture view of things. It’s peaceful here, and the air is so fresh.  Hanging out with a kraken isn’t something that happens every day either.

I find I need to avert my gaze from the scary clown sideshow in the world more often. I intend to remember what is truly important to me, and it’s a challenge when so many of the former seemingly sane appear to be in cognitive decline.

I’ve hung in there longer than most with being understanding, compassionate and forgiving. It’s something I can take with me when I leave.

Pearl: Oh no, the hordes have found us; I hope they don’t think we have the best selfie location. In the city it’s the earbud zombies with blank eyes….wonder what these guys are like.

Klaus: Betimes I’d have thrown myself in front of those hordes and felt a hero doing it. A few broken bones later, I guess I moved to a rock where I could shout to them, “Look out!” Maybe there was a time for that. Now my voice is barely a hoarse whisper, just enough for the right self-talk to speak another story in the dusk before it is too late.